Christelle Yambayisa is a woman of many talents. Pursuing a successful career as a model, she’s also an expert in photography embedding her very own artistic vision in each image she captures. Explore the poetic universe of Christelle Yambayisa through her portrait.

Where does this passion for photography come from?

It actually came to life in rather difficult conditions: I was 8 years old when my family fled from Rwanda to France in order to escape from the genocide. At that time, I realized that all photographs from my early childhood had been destroyed by war. My mother then offered me a disposable camera in order to express feelings that were otherwise hard to put into words and this is how my journey into photography started.

Causse is not only the epitome of what French traditional craftsmanship means, it also holds Art in high regard and contributes to it in its own and unique way.

Any Causse style you could recommend?

The Galopin driving gloves! They’re made from peccary leather which makes them incredibly comfortable. I use them all the time for riding my bicycle in Paris!

What made you want to wear these gloves?

I wanted to highlight the universe of Causse while adding my personal touch. I needed something practical and versatile that could follow me everywhere!

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